Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Air rap !?

This is our video. We did an "Air rap" using 2 songs. The 2 songs are In Da Club, 50 Cent and Ride wit me, Nelly. An air rap is using music and rapping looks like we are really singing.

We try to make it funny!
Pay your attention to the guy comes out with his birthday cake and saying "It's your birthday!" and the one that showing the money is shouting "Must be the money!".

"Must be the money" means "Yappa kane jyane ?" in Japnanese.


miyabean said...

Your video is very funny and cool!!

Anonymous said...

Great!!! I was surprised.
Your video is very cool!!!

yuu121 said...

You are Very cool.

The world is mast be the maney

chihiro said...

I like this movie very much!!!
This movie is the best one in this class , I think...

katu said...

I like this video very very match!
This video is funny and cool.
Please make other video like this.
I'm looking forward to see it.

shizuka said...

This video is very nice!!
You are cool!!

mai said...

Your video is very cool and interesting. I like this movie.